Why We Need Gamification For Our Online Training Course Development

by Ashok Sharma

gamingA young girl sits calmly with a tablet in her lap. On the screen, small cartoon fish swirl about in a pattern. Smiling, she puts a finger on the screen and the fish begin to coalesce into alphabet characters.

This girl is learning two valuable lessons. First, she’s mastering the alphabet, a tool that will help her communicate, love and express herself for the rest of her life. The second, and the reason she’s learning these characters before anyone else in her kindergarten class, is the power of gamification. Gamification is a process that incorporates game mechanics into learning and accelerates the learning process while improving retention. Continue reading

Daily Action Plan For Success on LinkedIn

by Maggie Herbert

LinkedIn-rolodex1: Create 100% of your Profile according to your business OR professional needs (Also add groups and Connections).

2: Connect Your LinkedIn Profile to Your Business & Blog.

3: Create a blog and update it daily(At least 3 posts per week).

4: Post (share) your blog posts (articles) to LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter at least once a day (not more than 3 times per day).

5: Respond to People as soon as possible.

6: Repeat Action 3, 4 & 5 for one month and Analyze your Success.

7: Learn LinkedIn More & More.

64 Awesome Facebook Marketing Techniques

by Maria Peagler

The deadliest sin of Facebook marketing is being boring. To gain fans’ attention and keep it, marketers need to create novel campaigns, or put a unique spin on familiar techniques. Otherwise, brands’ efforts are largely ignored or used by fans to score free stuff.

What’s the secret to marketing campaigns that garner results? Combine strategies that incorporate Facebook’s viral features.

How? Use this infographic, listing 64 marketing techniques in eight Facebook feature categories. Randomly select one marketing tactic from each category, and combine them for an innovative marketing campaign.64 Facebook Marketing Strategies by Maria Peagler SocialMediaOnlineClasses.com

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Eight Success Criteria for Facebook Marketing

by Ken Yeung

Marketing-via-Facebook-Always-a-Profitable-Idea1-300x297Facebook marketing seems to be somewhat of an enigma when it comes to businesses wanting to use it to reach out to their customers. Not surprising, there are plenty of pundits out there with blog posts and commentary that focus on how you and your business should execute a Facebook marketing strategy and most social media professionals are aware of the tips, tricks and various other nuances on how to build a better brand on the social networking platform. For small businesses, have you been able to justify why you’ve done that particular tactic with Facebook? What about if you’re part of a larger corporation? Do you have the numbers to support your efforts? It just so happens that Jeremiah Owyang and his team at the Altimeter Group have put together a report that should give a deeper look at what people are really thinking when it comes to Facebook marketing.

So what’s probably the biggest thing to plague businesses that are interested in Facebook marketing? No strategy.

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Bloggers Say Frequent Updates, Social Promotion Key Traffic Drivers

American and European bloggers are relatively in agreement when it comes to the most effective ways to drive traffic to their blogs, both citing frequent updates and promotion on social networks as their top 2, per an Overblog study released in June 2012. Yet, when it comes to what defines the ultimate success of a blog, Americans are most likely to cite overblog-most-effective-blog-traffic-drivers-june2012genuine content, while Europeans stick with frequent updates.

Roughly 3 in 10 American and European bloggers said that updating their blog frequently was the most effective way to drive traffic. Americans were more likely than Europeans to say that promoting their blog on social networks was a key driver (28% vs. 20%), while more Europeans see value from contributing to other blogs or sites (14% vs. 8%).

72 Fascinating Social Media Marketing Facts and Statistics for 2012


Social media and inbound marketing techniques have been a boon for marketers. Not only do leads generated through social and content marketing cost half as much as traditional outbound-generated leads (see below), they also close at higher rate (again, see below).72 Fascinating Social Media Marketing Facts and Statistics for 2012

And social media isn’t just about lead generation of course. While prospective buyers are using search and social to research products and services before making purchase decisions, marketers and PR professionals can use those same tools to research buyer wants and needs. And their competition. And…even social media itself.

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How Much Should You Charge for Your eBook?

Cruise any of the writer’s forums on the internet and you’re bound to find a log of discussions on the topic of eBook pricing.

You’ll find legions of authors who are enjoying success — and best net sales revenue per book — at the currently popular price levels of $4.99 to $9.99. They’re making the maximum royalty from the eBook retailers — up to 70% returned to the author — and believe the higher prices begin to reflect the quality and value of their efforts.

On the other side of the argument are hundreds of authors thrilled with the results of pricing their books down to rock bottom levels — $1.99 to 99¢ — giving up the high percentage of return for larger numbers of fans. A few authors like John Locke have seen their literary fortunes soar with this pricing strategy.

Amazon’s list of 100 best-selling books has become a pricing free-for-all. During the week I’m writing this, 21 books were selling for just 99¢. Others were priced at $4.98, $7.59, and $8.82. The most expensive single book, at $16.99, was Dick Cheney’s memoir. There is none of the clarity of iTunes in its early years, when the price of music tracks was fixed at 99¢.
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Internet Marketing

While Internet Marketing Services can be applied to literally any business Doyen has chosen to focus on individuals who have developed, or are in the process of developing, digitally based materials.  Up until the past few years it has been virtually impossible for a new author to get published, or for someone with a training program to get their product “out there”.  The publishing field, with its archaic “print 5,000 copies and put them into bookstores” process had a death grip on the market, and the infoproduct market became totally controlled by 2 or 3 major players.  To self-publish your own product prior to the advent of the internet (and especially Amazon) was painfully expensive and required months and months of bookstore signings, radio interviews and cross-country travel.

But then came the digital age and suddenly anyone could put out a product at near zero cost and actually reach that market in an effective manner.  The only problem was (and still is) very few authors and product developers have any idea were to even start the process let alone break into things in a big way.  That’s were Doyen comes in.  Doyen Internet Marketing Services takes the author by the hand and walks them through the entire process of digital market penetration.  Doyen allows the author/product creator to focus on what they do best, and that is to create.  Doyen establishes and systematizes an entire selling process for its clients.